Hello everyone!
I have a question. A few weeks ago I found a short audio about twin flames and they made a distinction between False Twin Flame and False Twin Flame Process.
They said that the false twin flame is that person who comes before your twin flame and is a catalyst for the healing process. They are very similar and If you have a false flame it 's because you do have a twin flame ((because whoever wrote the article is one of those who believe that not everyone has a twin flame).
But the False Twin Flame Process is when you don't have a twin flame, you meet a person who will initiate a process in you similar to the awakening of the flames. It occurs in a short time (months or 1 year) and is like an opportunity for those who don't have twin flames to grow spiritually.
But what they asserted was that when your "supposed twin flame" is in another relationship or has sex with other people, they cannot be your real twin flame, because true flames don't have sex with others after meeting their true flame.
Therefore, what most people experience when they are involved in "A third party" is a false flame Process.
I tried to find the source of this statement, but I couldn't.
Has anyone heard anything similar? Or what do you think?
P.S. Sorry if I made any writing errors, English is not my native language.
I realise I’m a bit late in seeing this and I apologise!
False twins are often a pre-cursor to a real twin. In my experience they are not a soul mate of any kind, rather an unwitting victim who is under the influence of the dark. Generally speaking they present many similar signs and symptoms to Twin Flame’s. Dark force interference can mimic intense energies and synchronicities, but it cannot mimic light, therefore false twins tend to be more inclined forwards abusive and toxic behaviours. This does not mean a real Twin Flame will never demonstrate dysfunction, it means a false twin is not capable of the kind of growth, empathy and love that Twin Flames are vessels for.
Catalyst twins aren’t really twins at all… they are so named because their appearance in our lives can be experienced in a similar way to that of a Twin Flame, but unlike Twin Flames their presence is usually more fleeting. They are a catalyst for our spiritual awakening and once that contract is fulfilled the relationship tends to fizzle out or its intensity subsides.
There are so many different types of soul mates/contracts, many share similarities and it can be confusing to try and understand which you’re dealing with. My guidance is always to embrace the lessons that present in each moment and to let of go of the need to classify and label your connection. It only matters what is happening now, everything will be as it’s meant to be. There are no mistakes. Only lessons.
Thank you for sharing here 🙏🏻💖
Hi, I heard about karmic relationships, soulmates and twinflames, never heard of false twinflame connections. Maybe it's just a manner of speech. I don't think there's something like false twinflames. Either it ís a twinflame or it isn't.
I was wondering if narcissism is very common in TF relationships. I know I called my TF a narcissist! 😉
Now I don't think he is. He is just my TF with a role to play in my life. And to do so, he had to use narcissistic bahaviour. And no way he's a false TF.
English is also not my native language, so I hope it's a bit clear what I'm saying.
Iam curious about this too 🤔 I have heard alot about false tf but not sure I believe this...people also say your tf would never hurt you nor could they be narcissist which I believe that is not true our tf do hurt us and can be narcissist in my belief